EMF Services

Magnetic Field Variation

EMF Information Resources and
Recommended Service Providers

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Information Resources on this Site

Comparison Testing of Whole House DE Filters

An Overview of EMF Shielding and Mitigation Techniques

Quacks - Four ways to recognize a quack.

Early History of EMF Health Effects Research

EMF Information Resources on the Web

The Bioinitiative Report 2012 - A Rationale for Biologically-based Public Exposure Standards for Electromagnetic Fields (ELF and RF). (With updates through 2022)

NIEHS - National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences - Access to many U.S. government funded EMF reports from past years, and good background information on Electric and Magnetic Fields.

The Beginner's Guide to EMFs - A free online resource for learning about the four types of man-made EMFs and how to reduce or eliminate your exposure to each.

Microwave News - Headlines and up-to-date coverage of the entire electromagnetic field issue from the leading information resource in the field.

Mike Holt - The premier educator for the electrical industry. Mike Holt's seminars and books on the NEC and electrical safety produce better electricians and better electrical installations. Strict code compliance is the best way to reduce AC magnetic fields in new construction.

Federal Communications Commission - Office of Engineering and Technology - RF Safety Program Page - Offers access to important documents on radio frequency exposure limitation, within the context of existing regulatory standards in the U.S.

Recommended Testing and Consulting Providers

Axis Environmental Solutions - Provides EMF/RF Assessments & Mitigation throughout south Florida.

ScanTech Technical Consulting - A professional EMF survey and environmental / occupational health safety testing firm based in Dallas,Texas serving the Central United States including Houston, Austin and beyond. The lead consultant Joel-Anthony Gray (BSEE, CIH, CSP, MAC) offers a variety of consulting services including electromagnetic EMF & RF (Radio Frequency) measurements, indoor air quality (IAQ) testing, radiation level / radioactivity testing, sound / noise level measurements, photometric light level, pacemaker and biomedical equipment / implant interference EMI surveys and specialized industrial troubleshooting including hospitals and medical centers.

Disclaimer: These sites are presented as an information resource, and represent a spectrum of opinions. The viewpoints expressed therein do not necessarily reflect those of EMF Services.


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